Balkan Round Table - "Learning to Live Together" Sofia, 02-04 December, 2001
The idea of the round-table was based on the conviction that geography education can play a crucial role in learning to live together with our neighbors, and in the formation of the image of "the other". Geography concerns teaching about boundaries, cultures, common memory places, identity, globalization, and sustainable development, which makes the subject a limitless area for researches and offers the current round-table interesting topics for discussion. The round-table "Learning to Live Together" ("Educators on the Balkans for the Spreading of a Culture of Peace") focused on the aspirations and achievements of Geography educators in their efforts to introduce and sustain the values of the culture of peace in schools in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Turkey, and FR Yugoslavia. The topics for discussion were as follows: Globalisation and national identity on the Balkans Economic development of the Balkans Internal and external zones of cooperation