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Квалификационен семинар за учителите на ЕГ "Проф. д-р Асен Златаров" - Хасково read more...
Квалификационен семинар за учителите на ЕГ "Проф. д-р Асен Златаров" - Хасково read more...
On 24th of June 2023 a qualification seminar took place in Tryavna for the teachers of Professional high school Haskovo. read more...
С голямо удоволствие бихме желали да ви съобщим, че в конкурса участваха многобройни стойностни добри практики, което за пореден път ни кар read more...
Seminar for qualification of teachers "Teaching Competences for XXI century through positive education" read more...
ОУ "Климент Охидски" - Хасково изнесено обучение Велинград
Art atelier for adults for wellness -balance, creativity and joy 2020-2022 read more...
CIREC developed and steamed webinars on the urgent need of developing 21st-century skills such as Emotional and Social Intelligence, Adaptability and Resilience read more...
Foundation Madara-Bulgaria took part in two international projects "Development of 21st century skills" and "Development of the Emotional Intelligence of Students" and created several webinars for teachers. read more...
Dr. Stefania DIMITROVA gave a lecture in Tsukuba University, 2012, with the support of the Japan Foundation read more...
The forum was organized by the Department of Information and In-service teacher training of Sofia University "St.Kliment Ohridski". Presentation by Dr. Stefania Dimitrova read more...
The Bulgarian school "Rodna stryaha" at the Bulgarian embassy in Tokyo received a donation of children's books from Foundation Madara-Bulgaria photos courtesy of B. Vaglarov read more...
Contributors: Vesselin Metodiev - Minister of Bulgarian Science and Education, Prof. K. Kossev (Vice-President of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Dr.Stefania Dimitrova, (Foundation Madara Bulgaria) The New Image of the Self in a Multicultural Perspect read more...